sirmainlyhopkins thedevilzmindsky!

sirmainlyhopkins thedevilzmindsky!

Monday, February 18, 2013

"Ave Satanas!"

Hail Shaiytan!

Instead of saying that an atheist is someone who believes that it is false or
probably false that there is a God, a more
adequate characterization of atheism consists in
the more complex claim that to be an atheist is to
be someone who rejects belief in God for the
following reasons...: for an anthropomorphic God, the atheist rejects belief in God because it is false
or probably false that there is a God; for a
nonanthropomorphic God... because the concept
of such a God is either meaningless,
unintelligible, contradictory, incomprehensible, or
incoherent; for the God portrayed by some modern or contemporary theologians or
philosophers... because the concept of God in
question is such that it merely masks an atheistic
substance—e.g., "God" is just another name for
love, or ... a symbolic term for moral ideals."

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer.
The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a liberator or guiding spirit or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah. In Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible, Lucifer is acknowledged as one of the Four Crown Princes of Hell, particularly that of the East. Lord of the Air, Lucifer has been named "Bringer of Light, the Morning Star, Intellectualism, Enlightenment."
In the modern occultism of Madeline Montalban,Lucifer's identification as the Morning Star (Venus) equates him with Lumiel,
whom she regarded as the Archangel of Light, and
among Satanists he is seen as the "Torch of Baphomet" and Azazel. Author Michael W. Ford has written on Lucifer as a
"mask" of the Adversary, a motivator and
illuminating force of the mind and subconscious.

Some authors have sought to show that various
aspects of what have traditionally been considered
"occultism" are in fact scientific in precisely the
same manner that chemistry or physics is scientific.
Scientific disciplines generally contain two highly
synergistic and interactive elements: theories and practices. The theories are the ideas to explain the
subject matter and provide operational concepts
for conceiving and executing the practices. The
practices in turn are the arsenal of methods and
procedures that provide for the systematic study of
a given area, and the results of the practices usually feedback upon the theories leading to the
modification and refinement of the theories. When
a branch of knowledge has this overall form, it can
be considered "scientific" and that is the claim made for certain aspects of occultism. The aim is to synthesize or integrate scientific and occult
concepts and fuse them into something that may
be greater than either alone.

The occult (from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret") is "knowledge of the hidden". In common English usage, occult refers to "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable",usually referred to as science. The term is sometimes taken to mean knowledge that "is meant only for certain
people" or that "must be kept hidden", but for most
practicing occultists it is simply the study of a
deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences. The terms esoteric and arcane have very similar meanings, and both terms are interchangeable.

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